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Clove-based French recipe with aromatic spices and herbs, offering a delicious and gourmet Ayurvedic food experience.

Refreshing Clove-Fennel Rosewater

Cooling Beverage to Pacify Pitta Dosha

Indulge in the cooling sensation of Clove-Fennel Rosewater, a delightful blend of cloves, fennel, and rose petals. This aromatic fusion offers a soothing experience, particularly beneficial for pacifying the pitta dosha. The combination of sweet rose petals and spicy red cloves creates an enchanting aroma to savor throughout the day.

preparation time

5 minutes

cook time

5 to 10 minutes




Step 1

Boil water in a medium pot.

Step 2

Add rose petals, fennel seeds, and red cloves to the boiling water, then turn off the heat.

Step 3

Allow the mixture to steep as it cools.

Step 4

Enjoy at room temperature.


8 cups water

1 handful rose petals

1/2 cup fennel seeds

1/4 cup red cloves

Variations by Dosha:

  • Vata:

    Vatas can enhance digestive aid by substituting mint and cinnamon sticks and incorporating honey.

  • Pitta:

    Pittas can intensify cooling effects by adding more of any of the spices. Ensure the drink is consumed at room temperature or slightly chilled, avoiding hot temperatures.

  • Kapha:

    Kaphas may opt to include ginger or lemon zest for an uplifting flavor, along with honey for sweetness.

Mindfulness Tip:

Engage all your senses during meals. Observe the vibrant colors of your salad, inhale the aromas from different foods, listen to the satisfying crunch of crispy vegetables, feel the textures as you chew, and savor the diverse flavors on your palate.

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