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Delicious tahini honey puffs with cinnamon pears, offering a crunchy texture, rich flavor, and a satisfying vegan dessert option.

Tahini Honey Puffs Recipe with Cinnamon Pears

Quick and Energizing Breakfast Option

Indulge in these delightful Tahini Honey Puffs with Cinnamon Pears—a quick, energizing breakfast option that satisfies and invigorates. Customize your milk choice to suit your Ayurvedic dosha and experiment with different fruits based on seasonal availability.

prep time

9 minutes

cook time

6 minutes




Step 1

Heat almond milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.

Step 2

Dust pear slices with cinnamon in a small bowl and set aside.

Step 3

Once the milk is warm, add tahini and honey, stirring to combine.

Step 4

Pour the mixture over the cereal in a medium bowl.

Step 5

Top with cinnamon-dusted pears and enjoy.


2 cups almond or rice milk

1 pear, peeled, cored, and sliced

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

2 tablespoons tahini

1 tablespoon raw honey

2 cups puffed rice cereal

Variations by Dosha:

  • Vata:

    Substitute mangoes or apricots for pears.

  • Pitta:

    Omit or reduce honey as desired.

  • Kapha:

    Enhance with fresh grated ginger for added benefits.

Additional Tips:

Keep a favorite uplifting song ready. When stress arises, play it and sing along to uplift your mood and refocus on the present moment.

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