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Pudding de riz basmati ayurvédique fait maison, à la texture crémeuse, avec des ingrédients naturels et une saveur sucrée et aromatique.

Transform Leftover Basmati Rice into Delicious Rice Pudding

Quick and Easy Dessert Idea

Transform leftover rice into a delectable dessert with this easy-to-follow rice pudding recipe. Utilize ripe fruits from your pantry for a refreshing twist.

Preparation Time

3 Minutes


  • 1 cup of leftover cooked basmati rice
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • Peels of 1 to 2 oranges
  • 1 to 2 vanilla beans, split lengthwise
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon (ground or freshly grated toasted sticks)


Step 1

In a medium bowl, combine the leftover rice and almond milk, stirring until well mixed.

Step 2

Serve the pudding garnished with orange peels, vanilla beans, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Ayurvedic Tips

  • Vatas:

    Enhance your pudding with pineapples or a touch of sea salt and toasted coconut for an extra burst of flavor.

  • Pittas:

    Opt for coconut milk instead of almond milk and elevate the dish with chopped fresh basil or mint as a garnish.

  • Kaphas:

    Infuse your pudding with orange zest to enhance its aroma and taste.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Wisdom

Nurture your well-being by surrounding yourself with positive influences. Choose to be in the company of individuals who radiate happiness and positivity, as it contributes to a harmonious and balanced life. Enjoy this delightful dessert as a testament to the joy of simple pleasures and wholesome ingredients.

Un Voyage de Guérison et de Découverte !

Soulagez la Douleur et la Souffrance de Vos Proches avec des Soins Naturels !

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Faites maintenant le quiz Dosha !

Comprenez votre Dosha dominant — Vata, Pitta ou Kapha — formé par des forces élémentaires. Identifiez les déséquilibres et rétablissez l'harmonie grâce à des changements de mode de vie personnalisés. Commencez dès aujourd'hui votre chemin vers le bien-être holistique !


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